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  1. 2011 – 2017
    1. TransArts, University of Applied Arts Vienna
  2. 2004 – 2010
    1. Art and Communication Practices, University of Applied Arts Vienna
  3. 2007 – 2008
    1. École Supérieure d’Arts Graphiques Paris, Paris Nouvelle Sorbonne


  1. 2024
    1. Grant by Culture Moves Europe
  2. 2023
    1. Project Grant by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
  3. 2022
    1. KUNSTSAMMLUNG Art Collection of Upper Austria
  4. 2021
    1. Talent Award for Fine Arts by the Province of Upper Austria
  5. 2020
    1. Artothek – Collection of the Republic of Austria 
    2. Working Grant by the City of Vienna
    3. Project Grant by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture
  6. 2019
    1. Residency Grant for Paris by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture
    2. Project Grants by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture, the Province of Upper Austria and the City of Linz
  7. 2017
    1. Startgallery MUSA
    2. MUSA collection of contemporary art Vienna 
    3. Grant for Artist-In-Residency Netherlands by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture
  8. 2016
    1. LinzEXPORT by the City of Linz
  9. 2015
    1. Project grant by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture and the Province of Upper Austria
  10. 2014
    1. Grant for Emerging Artists by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture


  1. 2024
    1. Cité internationale des arts, Paris
  2. 2023
    1. zqm, Berlin
  3. 2022
    1. Cité internationale des arts, Paris
  4. 2021
    1. Gastatelier Salzamt, Linz, Austria
  5. 2019
    1. Experimentierfeld, Montpellier, France
    2. LKV, Trondheim, Norway
  6. 2018
    1. The Spur, Montpellier, France 
    2. Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin, Germany
  7. 2017
    1. ARE Holland, Enschede, Netherlands
  8. 2016
    1. Viadukt Edition, Vienna, Austria 
    2. Titanik Gallery, Turku, Finland
  9. 2015
    1. GlogauAIR Berlin, Germany

Solo and duo shows

  1. 2023
    1. The constant state of change, zqm Berlin (Solo)
    2. ABSTRACT ENTITIES, Gallery MAERZ, Linz (Duo)
  2. 2022
    1. On Moving Spheres, Memphis, Linz (Solo)
  3. 2021
    1. floating glass, restless minds & liquid lights, Zwitschermaschine Berlin (Duo)
  4. 2019
    1. The Poetry Of (Failing) Systems, Gallery Raum linksrechts, Hamburg (Duo)
    2. Les lumières de la ville brillent encore, ID Scènes, Montpellier, France (Solo)
    3. A hill is smaller than a mountain, XPO, Enschede, Holland (Solo)
  5. 2017
    1. The ongoing Sequence, MUSA Startgalerie, Vienna (Solo)
  6. 2016
    1. Lines of position, Viadukt Screen Prints, Vienna (Solo)
    2. One minute of arc, Titanik Gallery, Turku, Finland (Solo)
    3. 0,5 m³, bb15, Linz (Solo)
  7. 2015
    1. Dimensions variable, GPLspaceIV, Vienna (Solo)
    2. 40°Nord, 30°Süd, Die Raumteiler, Vienna (Solo)
    3. Creative Brunch, Spektakel, Vienna (Solo)
  8. 2014
    1. Red Carpet Showroom presents Junge Kunst Parcours, Karlsplatz Passage, Vienna (Solo)
  9. 2013
    1. Ohne Schritt, UBIKSpace, Vienna (Solo)

Selected group shows

  1. 2024
    1. viennacontemporary with Gallery Viktor Bucher, Vienna
    2. MAERZ-OSAS, Vasaerly Museum Budapest
    3. Fragments proposés, Kunstverein Baden
    4. Summer exhibition, Schlossmuseum Linz
    5. Abdruck einer Ungewissheit, Frappant Gallery, Hamburg
    6. Fragments proposés I, ateliers ouverts, Cité internationale des arts Paris
  2. 2023
    1. 1051200 min, Gallery MAERZ, Linz
    2. House of Inciting Passion, VIENNA ART WEEK
    3. The Hidden Collection returns, Gallery Hilger NEXT, Vienna
    4. states of IN-BETWEEN, HochSommer Festival 2023, Hafen 42, Styria
    5. Neues aus der Sammlung, The ART COLLECTION of the State of Upper Austria, Linz
  3. 2022
    1. minus20degree, Flachau, Salzburg
    2. Floating Landscapes, Gallery 5020, Salzburg
    3. Preise und Talente, OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz 
    4. Show me three, give me five, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz
    5. Only to visit, Centre for Contemporary Arts – CCA, Glasgow
    6. Ateliers ouverts, Cité internationale des arts, Paris
  4. 2021
    1. ENCOUNTER #4, Galerie Projektraum Viktor Bucher, Vienna 
    2. Supergau Festival for Contemporary Art, Flachgau, Salzburg 
    3. Tracing the Intangible, Neuer Kunstverein Gießen 
    4. 10 Years Experimentierfeld, KLUCKYLAND, Vienna 
    5. Neu in der MAERZ, Galerie MAERZ, Linz 
    6. SZENE PANORAMA / Es ist schon wieder MAERZ, Kunsthalle Linz
  5. 2020
    1. HORTUS CONCLUSUS, Sculpture park, Schloss25, Vienna 
    2. #1, SPACE20, Schloss25, Vienna 
    3. Es ist MAERZ, Galerie MAERZ, Linz 
    4. RIFF, PFERD Forum for Contemporary Art and Notgalerie, Aspern, Vienna 
    5. You’ve got mail, MOM art space, Hamburg 
    6. remote access, Hafen 42, Kunstraum Steiermark, Hofstätten a.d. Raab, Styria, Austria
    7. PFERD Open, PFERD Forum for Contemporary Art, Vienna
  6. 2019
    1. OK Klubinstitut OPEN, OK Center for Contemporary Art Linz, Austria 
    2. Experimentierfeld Montpellier, Transit, Montpellier, France 
    3. Fragmented Fields, LKV Trondheim, Norway
    4. The Future of Time, GEH8, Dresden, Germany 
    5. About time and other uncertainties, Dzialdov, Berlin 
    6. EXPOrt, IMpORT, imPULS 2015 – 2017, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria
  7. 2018
    1. Time that walks away now, now and again now, Gallery FAVU, Brno, Czech Republic 
    2. A Recollection of Resonances, bb15, Linz, Austria 
    3. Home is a name, A Gallery, Tehran, Iran 
    4. Visionen der Medienkunst 7, Medienwerkstatt Wien, Vienna 
    5. EC1 24H Copenhagen, LOKAL, Copenhagen
  8. 2017
    1. blind spot. Noise and sound in space, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Germany 
    2. Festival of Regions 2017 – Uninvited Guests, Marchtrenk, Upper Austria 
    3. kreativenplattform @Künstlerhaus, in the framework of Das bessere Leben“, Künstlerhaus Vienna
  9. 2016
    1. MEM Experimental Arts International Festival, Bilbao, Spain 
    2. European Soundart Award 2016, Marl Media Art Awards 2016, Marl, Germany 
    3. Distance from Horizon, Apartment Project, Berlin 
    4. New Skin for the Old Ceremony, Dzialdov, Berlin
    5. Margaret’s Place, Vienna Design Week, Vienna
    6. Move Baby, Move!, Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal, Germany 
    7. on site Hohenems. bock auf kunst, Art Festival Hohenems, Vorarlberg, Austria
  10. 2015
    1. GlogauAIR, Open Studios Exhibition, Berlin 
    2. No Walls, Friday Exit, Vienna 
    3. EN FACE, Halle 71, Berlin 
    4. Out of phase, mo.ë, Vienna 
    5. The Essence, Künstlerhaus, Vienna 
    6. random thoughts of a daily light, das weisse haus, Vienna
  11. 2014
    1. Sinopale, International Sinop Biennial, Turkey 
    2. All You Have is a Voice, k48, Vienna 
    3. Bewegte Räume, Burg Reichenstein, Upper Austria 
    4. Junge Kunst Parcours, Ankerbrotfabrik, Vienna 
    5. The room doesn’t care, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna
  12. 2013
    1. Paraflows .8 – Open Culture, das weisse haus, Vienna 
    2. Passage, Udk, Berlin 
    3. Viennese soundwalks, Lesefestwoche, Karlsplatz, Vienna 
    4. Viennese soundwalks, Passagen/​Passagiere. Szenen und Riten des Übergangs, MQ, Vienna


  1. Artothek des Bundes Austria
  2. MUSA Collection of Contemporary Art of the City of Vienna
  3. Art Collection of the State of Upper Austria
  4. Private Collections


  1. 2022
    1. Tracing The Intangible, publication by Miriam Hamann, Susanne Kocks, Peter Strickmann and Evgenija Wassilew, risoprint in four colours, 38 pages, 18x24cm, self published, edition of 150, numbered, Berlin
  2. 2021
    1. inframince infra-mince infra mince, TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Edition Angewandte, De Gruyter, 2021
  3. 2019
    1. THE SPUR Catalogue, Creative Europe Programme of the European Union Commission
    2. EXPOrt, IMpORT, imPULS Catalogue, Atelierhaus Salzamt Linz, Gutenberg-Werbering, Linz
  4. 2018
    1. bb15 2015 – 2018, Katalog, bb15 . space for contemporary art, Linz
    2. Just Passing Through, Artist Residencies Enschede: A Ten-Year Retrospective, te Sligte-Olijdam, Enschede, The Netherlands
  5. 2017
    1. Festival der Regionen: Ungebetene Gäste, Festival of Regions 2017 catalogue, Grasl FairPrint, Bad Vöslau
    2. Festival der Regionen: Ungebetene Gäste, Festival of Regions 2017 newspaper, OÖN Druckzentrum
    3. Marl Media Art Award 2016 – Soundart Videoart, exhibtion catalogue, Peter Pomp GmbH, Marl
  6. 2016
    1. Titanik 12, publication Titanik Art Work Space, Finland
  7. 2015
    1. GlogauAIR Open Studios, exhibition catalogue, Berlin, december
  8. 2013
    1. Open Culture – paraflows .8, catalogue for the festival for digital arts and culture, september 12th – october 12th 2013, edition mono/​monochrom, Vienna
    2. TransArts, Edition Angewandte, Vienna
  9. 2012
    1. photomeetings luxembourg 2012, Photography = Fiction?, Editions Clairefontaine, Luxembourg

Public Talks/​Guest Teaching

  1. 2023
    1. Gallery MAERZ
  2. 2022
    1. University of Arts Linz
  3. 2019
    1. Tropisme, Montpellier
    2. LKV Trondheim
  4. 2018
    1. University of Arts Linz
    2. École des beaux-arts de Sète 
    3. Austrian Cultural Forum Tehran
  5. 2017
    1. GlogauAir Berlin
  6. 2016
    1. Titanik Gallery Turku